Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Final Project Presentation Schedule (MCCL206)

You are required to attend both sessions:

Monday, May 3rd (3:30-5:45pm):

1. Kevin Kingsbury

2. John Byers

3. Kyle Seigley

4. Clark Ryan

5. Julia White

6. Kirk Johnson

7. Albert McNeil

8. Addison Nichols

9. Taylor Lundeen

Wednesday, May 5th (3:30-5:45pm):

1. Andrew Meyers

2. Taylor Smith

3. William O’Donnell

4. Eugeniu Ciolacu

5. Cameron Long

6. Iris Mayes

7. Christopher Nielsen

8. Gary Reynolds

Final project due: Friday midnight May 7th

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Some Excellent Maps to Share (Lab3) !

Lab 3 Map1

Lab 3 Map2

Some Excellent Maps to Share (Lab2) !

Some Excellent Maps to Share (Lab1) !

Lab1 PartA

Lab 1 PartB (1)

Lab 1 PartB (2)

Lab 1 PartC (1)

Lab 1 PartC (2)

Lab 1 PartC (3)

Lab 1 PartC (4)

Lab 1 PartC (5)

Lab 1 Part D (1)

Lab 1 Part D (2)

Lab 1 Part D (3)

Lab 1 Part D (4)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Welcome to the Visualizatioin World

Exercise 4: Building a Blog and Redesign Your Previous Maps

Part 1: Create your own blog

Part 2: Redesign your previous maps


1.To blackboard: submit a word document (Yourname_Lab4.doc), including all your Lab1-3 maps (before and after redesigning), along with the write-up for each pair of maps. Remember to include the web address of your blog.

2.On your own blog:
1)Post all the maps and the write-up;
2)Post your favorite map (s) (could be any kind, any topic) from any source (internet, journal, book, media), along with a brief introduction about the map (sources, what is it about, etc.). Call it “Map of the Week”. This will be a routine for each future lab.

Due: March 31, 2010 at the beginning of lab period